Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Things We Choose to Ignore...

Sometimes its the things we refuse to see that inspire us. For me, it was this picture I found this morning of someone jogging on the beach. I always have been fascinated by people who can sustain a beach run. I myself find it hard to run on land, and everyone knows it is much harder to keep the pace on sand! Anyways, seeing this picture reminded me of how I really need to do something even if it is talking a walk. I still am baffled how I went from working out with a passion to doing absolutely nothing. You see its not about being skinny or loosing weight, its about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. I am only 22 (going on 23 sigh), and I always preach that you have to start young!!! Or else you'll never do it. The benefits of working out are obvious and clearly there are no CONS in this situation. Which leads me to my point, what am I doing? Why have I chosen to ignore such an important aspect of life? I am getting ready and running out the door to buy a workout DVD. Even if I cannot find the time to make it to the gym, and even if I cannot find the money in my ever so shrinking bank account. The excuses stop today!! Whatever excuse you may have... post it here and we will all put our excuses to rest!!!


Monday, July 20, 2009

On the Hunt!

With my busy schedule I have been so overwhelmed and have had no time to get to the gym. Feeling that it was a waste of money since I was never there, I ended my gym membership. I am missing my Zumba and Power classes more than ever lately. I am under so much stress and I defiantly think I am going through some sort of quarter life crisis! I am putting immense pressure on myself to get a job and succeed. I am such a perfectionist and go getter. Let's just say being patient has never been my strong suit! I want all the world has to offer and I want it now!! With that said I know I need to find a way to release my stress and working out has always taken me a place I feel the best. I am in search of at home workout DVD's that are fun but are going to whip me back into shape!! So that leads me to the moral of the post... I need your help. Does anyone have any suggestions for a great at home workout dvd???


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Finding Inspiration In Unlikely Places

Every day I try and look for things that inspire me. Whether it be an article I find online, a new book at Barnes and Noble, or someone performing an act of selflessness. While conducting research for an upcoming story I am working on I stumbled upon When I got to the site I started browsing and with each click I became more and more empowered to be a better me. There are so many features and applications such as the dare application which challenges members to quit smoking, lose weight, or workout more. Each feature is dedicated to helping you live a healthy lifestyle and feel amazing inside and out. There are testimonials from members about their stories and content to keep you clicking away for hours. I hope everyone checks it out and begins their journey to becoming a better you!!!

What was your dare? ....


Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Hey Guys!
Check out my article I wrote for this may help*


Getting Back On the Workout Wagon...HOP ON

For the last 4 months I have been totally committed to the gym attending daily classes. Classes work for me, zumba , power, step... I was feeling so good and healthy. Then...I had a drastic change in my work sched and now I have completely lost the spark! Now I am faced with the challenge to get it back...I am super busy with work and in the process of changing gyms to fit my new sched so I can attend classes later at night.
I am challenging myself and all of you to get back that spark..Whether it be going for a brisk walk or even a 5 minute run. You don't need a gym to stay in shape.
You gotta start somewhere...We have to find the time to take care of ourselves. Feeling good starts with actually living good.Working out is so important for our bodies and minds...Focus on what works for you..Let me know how it goes...In the meantime I am going to catch a 1030 power class (practice what you preach!) :) GOOD LUCK <3

Intro to ME :)

So this is my first blog post and I am so excited about starting my own blog. First things first a little bit about me! I am a twenty something girl who really honestly believes that beauty comes from the inside out. I love fashion fitness and food! I plan to share all I know about these three things as well as focus on body mind and spirit!
I believe in karma, sticking to your morals, and always doing the right thing no matter what you may receive in return. Enough about me lets get going.....
